I've now done the draw for the winner of OWOH for 2011.
The winner of the first prize of my flag book was Becky from San Diego, USA
and the second prize winner of my collage was Rein from Germany. I have notified both winners by email and will wait now to hear back their details so that I can send their prizes on to them. I chose the winners with the random number generator, but couldn't figure out how to put the result up on the screen....maybe I'll have it figured by next time.
Thanks again to all of the wonderful 425 comments that I received on my blog during this event, unfortunately I haven't been able to get around to all of the blogs before it had to close, but I will definitely be following up and visiting lots more of the gorgeous blogs in the months ahead.
Thanks also to Lisa Swifka for her great expertise and generosity in running this event for the past 5 years, it has been such a joy to be a part of it and I'm now looking forward to the new event that she has planned for 2012 and hoping I see you all there.
Love and hugs,